Topics: Mexico, Agente de carga, Comercio exterior, Exportación de mercancía
Cross-border Logistics: How to Make Your Business as Competitive as Possible
Cross-border logistics are a crucial part of doing business in today's global economy, as they allow companies to take advantage of different supply chains and pricing structures. For example, a company might avoid paying customs duties on international shipments if they can find a cheaper supplier in another country. They might also ship products from multiple locations to increase their coverage area or reduce shipping costs per shipment.
Topics: Mexico, Manufacturing, Cross-Border, Warehousing
Traslado seguro de mercancía por caminos mexicanos.
¿Cómo se realiza el transporte de carga terrestre?
Topics: Mexico, Distribución, Transporte de mercancía, Carreteras inseguras
Container imports to US ports have dropped. West coast imports were down 26% in October. As labor issues out west push containers to more stable labor pools in gulf and east coast ports, the average price per container from Asia to the US settles around $3,200 per FEU (forty-foot equivalent unit). Just three months prior we were seeing $8,500 per container. Things are different this year with this 62% drop in container price from August to November (Peak Season). We find a few interesting points when digging deeper to see what this can mean for our clients.
Topics: Manufacturing, Distribution Centers, Process, Warehousing, Inventory Control, Secondary Markets
Actualmente, vivimos en un mundo globalizado que gira en torno al comercio, la compra y venta de mercadería es algo cotidiano está desempeñada por diversas personas, desde vendedores ambulantes hasta grandes empresas, todas estas llevan a cabo un proceso y este usualmente inicia con la adquisición de la materia para la elaboración del producto recorriendo etapas hasta llegar al consumidor o comprador.
Gracias a los Freight Forwarder o agentes de carga la mercancía llega a su destino a tiempo y segura, por ello hoy les compartiremos información sobre quiénes son y cuáles son sus funciones.
Topics: Agente de carga, Incoterms, Distribución, Transporte de mercancía