G4 Logistics News

Trámite aduanal para exportar en México.

Posted by Gabriela B. on Dec 26, 2022 4:02:26 PM
En México contamos con 12 aduanas interiores, 17 marítimas, 19 en la frontera norte y 2 en la frontera sur, están ubicadas a lo largo del país.
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Topics: Mexico, Agente de carga, Comercio exterior, Exportación de mercancía

Cross-border Logistics: How to Make Your Business as Competitive as Possible

Posted by David G. on Dec 13, 2022 5:08:41 PM

Cross-border logistics are a crucial part of doing business in today's global economy, as they allow companies to take advantage of different supply chains and pricing structures. For example, a company might avoid paying customs duties on international shipments if they can find a cheaper supplier in another country. They might also ship products from multiple locations to increase their coverage area or reduce shipping costs per shipment.

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Topics: Mexico, Manufacturing, Cross-Border, Warehousing

Traslado seguro de mercancía por caminos mexicanos.

Posted by Gabriela B. on Nov 29, 2022 9:27:18 AM

¿Cómo se realiza el transporte de carga terrestre?

Para llevar a cabo el traslado de una mercancía primero se debe tener un interesado en adquirirla y otro dispuesto a venderla, posterior se inicia el papeleo y se crea un contrato donde se estipulen las responsabilidades de cada parte involucrada. Después, se lleva a cabo el proceso logístico; en ciertos casos se da que el vendedor cuenta con su propio transporte para transportar el producto y cuando esto no sucede se recurre a contratar a un tercero para brindar el servicio.
Previo a la contratación se debe tener en cuenta el punto de inicio y destino para trazar la ruta más segura y que permita entregar la mercancía a tiempo, si se va a cruzar a un país es necesario tener en cuenta un agente aduanal para evitar retenciones o prohibición del cruce de la mercancía.
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Topics: Mexico, Distribución, Transporte de mercancía, Carreteras inseguras

Why Other 3PLs Use G4 Logistics International

Posted by David G. on Sep 26, 2022 10:29:33 AM

The US - Mexico border is open for business. With the transition from NAFTA to the USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada-Agreement) in 2018, cross-border commerce, and logistics activities were improved and reinsured for years to come. The main points of the agreement center around IP protection, digital trade, tax thresholds, labor, and environmental obligations. With the structure for trade here in North America reinvigorated and the global political environment less stable, businesses are shortening their supply chains and choosing Mexico for manufacturing.  

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Topics: Mexico, Cross-Border, Mexico Carrier, Customs, Tax, Importer of Record

Mexico’s Manufacturing Resurgence

Posted by David G. on Sep 20, 2022 4:25:25 PM

Mexico is capitalizing on the macroeconomic factors that are demanding companies look beyond Asia-Pacific for manufacturing. Through careful planning and partnerships, Mexico has created advantages in labor, education, and legal protections that will continue to build its reputation as a leading source of skilled manufacturing. 

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Topics: Insider, Nearshoring, Mexico, Manufacturing, Cross-Border, Distribution Centers, Automotive Engineering